instructions for authors

Review and acceptance of manuscripts is within the competence of the editorial office. Preparation of manuscripts according to instructions speeds up the editorial process. Manuscripts should be submitted in Hungarian in three printed hard copies double spaced on the single side of the paper. Two floppy discs containing the manuscript should also be submitted. All coauthors should have a copy of the manuscript in case the copy submitted to the editorial office is lost.

All manuscripts should contain:

  • Title page
  • Hungary summary, key words
  • English summary with an English title, key words
  • List of abbreviations (if applies)
  • Main text
  • References
  • Tables
  • List of figures
  • Figures as a separate file


Pages should be numbered consecutively starting from the title page.

1. The title page should contain in the following order: title of the manuscript which must not contain abbreviations, name of the authors (with an “and” before the name of the last author), affiliations for each author including town and clearly indicating which affiliation belongs to each author.

2-3. Summary should be submitted in Hungarian and in English on separate pages. The summary should not contain abbreviations. The summary should be structured as follows: “aims”, “methods”, “results”, “conclusion(s)” should be formulated in such a way that the summary in itself is enough to understand the main idea of the manuscript. The length of the Hungarian and English summary should be similar and they should not be longer than one page each. The summaries should not contain paragraphs. Key words should follow Index Medicus. If there is no Index Medicus keyword available (e.g. in case of new drugs), key words should follow Index Medicus recommendation.

4. Abbreviations in the manuscript which are not widely known should be listed separately.

5. The clear and straightforward structure of manuscript is of primary importance for the reader. In case of original contributions, the aim and hypothesis should be explicitly pointed out in the introduction. Detailed historical introductions should be avoided. Literature references should be restricted to the latest studies and reviews. Introduction should bear no separate subheading. In the methods section, methods leading to the results should be described in a detailed and accurate way. If the methods have been published earlier, only the methodology should be indicated with the relevant reference provided. In case of clinicopharmacological studies, the permission of the Ethical Review Board should be submitted along with the manuscript, and it should be mentioned in the methods section. In case of animal studies the Animal Study Regulation of the Health Scientific Council of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences is in effect. The methods section should mention that all animal studies have been carried out in accordance with these regulations. Statistical methods should be described and references should also be provided. If the number of cases is less than 50, provide figures as fractions and also as percentages in parentheses. Results and discussion sections should be structured separately and clearly. The discussion section should provide references to the most recent results which support the conclusions of the authors. The novelty of results should be clearly pointed out. “Methods”, “Results” and “Discussion” should bear the proper subheadings. The main text of the manuscript should be no longer than 15 pages in case of reviews, 6 pages in case of original contributions and case reports and 10 pages in case of any other submissions (30 lines, 60 letters).

6. Only those references should be listed which are mentioned in the text and which are directly related to the topic. References should be listed in alphabetical order providing name of all authors. Journal names should be abbreviated using the international abbreviation. The number of references should not exceed 50. In the text references should be indicated by the name of the author (with the name of the first author and et al in case of more than one authors) and year of publication in or without parentheses. After the reference list, the name and address of the corresponding author should be given.

7. Tables should bear a title and should be submitted on separate pages each. Explanation for abbreviation in the table and in the title should be given on the same page.

8. In case of figures, all titles and explanations for any abbreviations should be listed on one page. If the figure is prepared with computer the used software should be provided with exact version number. Tables and figures should not contain the same results.

9. The size of photos should be 17 cm in width. Colour figures cannot be published at this point.

Figures published previously may be published only with the permission of the author and the publisher. Chemical names and abbreviations. In case of drugs, the internationally accepted chemical name should be used. If brand names are mentioned, chemical name and name of the manufacturing company should also be given. Orteography. Foreign words widely used in the vernacular may be spelled according to the rules of Hungarian, otherwise ethymological spelling should be followed.

Manuscripts should be submitted in three copies, main text in rtf format, figures and pictures in JPEG or TIFF format at: 
(addressed to Gabor Faludi)

Final acceptance of manuscripts for publication is possible only if their format closely follows these instructions. Unaccepted manuscripts are not returned to the authors.

Manuscript should be submitted to:

dr. Faludi Gábor