The aims and activity of our Association
HAP considers its task to actively participate in the research, education and training concerning neuropsychopharmacology. Its training programs are tailored to the modern challenges of the discipline. This activity is realized in coordination with the clinics and departments of the medical universities and with other organizations as necessary. Some of our training programs are offered to universities as official postgraduate courses. The theoretical direction and supervision of educational activity is exercised by the management and the leadership of the society. Upon the completion of courses HAP issues a certificate signed by the leader of the course and a member of the Presidential Board. Certificates concerning courses acknowledged by the Universities are issued by the University upon recommendation by the Presidential Board of the HAP. To organize a course, the initiator should provide an outline including the budget.
HAP considers it a priority to support foreign field trips of its members, with an emphasis on the congress participation of young professionals. The conditions for support are as follows: the applicant should attest that they contacted the organizers of the congress, is aware of the conditions of participation, has prepared a preliminary budget concerning the costs, which the Presidential Board discusses. After completion of the trip the winner should provide a detailed account concerning the amount of granted money, and should write a report for the journal of HAP. In the decision concerning travel grants, those applying for a Hungarian congress support, applicants invited to hold a plenary session lecture or to organize a symposium, and those who submitted a speech and provide its abstract enjoy priority.
HAP organizes an annual congress to present the latest breakthrough results of research in neuropsychopharmacology an neural sciences inviting Hungarian and international researchers and speakers. The congress is organized by the Presidential Board and Directorial Board of HAP with the help of the congress organizing secretariat and professional subcontractors. Members enjoy a reduced fee. The amount of reduced is decided by the Presidential Board and its condition is payment of the membership fee for the given year.
HAP publishes Neuropsychopharmacologia Hungarica 5 times a year, providing a publication opportunity for members and nonmembers as well. The Editorial Board is appointed by the new Directorial Board one year after the general reelection meeting for four years. The Presidential Board is responsible for the publication. The journal is supplied to the members after paying the membership fee, and is sent to patron members.