Members of the Association
Regular members, honorary members, corresponding members
Regular members can be citizens with no previous criminal record who are Hungarian or who have settled in Hungary, or non-Hungarian citizens with residence permission in Hungary, who are active in psychiatry, neurology or neuropsychopharmacology or related fields and oblige themselves to comply with the regulations of HAP, who apply for admission in a declaration of application, and who are accepted by the Directorial Board as members.
Rights of regular members
- to participate in the meetings of HAP with voting, discussing and initiating rights, they can elect and can be elected
- to participate in the professional, scientific and organizational activity of HAP as well as its other activities
- to participate in congresses organized by HAP as well as in other professional and scientific programs
- to utilize the services of HAP according to conditions determined by the Presidential Board of HAP
- to be informed continuously concerning the work of HAP via the Chief Secretary of HAP
Obligations of regular members
It is an obligation of regular members to function according to the constitution of HAP, to execute the decisions of HAP, and to pay the membership fee before the 31st of March every year. Honorary members can be Hungarian or foreign citizens who exert an outstanding influence in any disciplines related to HAP. Honorary members are elected by the Directorial Board. Corresponding members can be foreign citizens who are accepted by the Presidential Board as corresponding member based on the declaration for application. Patron members can be Hungarian or foreign citizen natural or legal entities who give financial, professional, theoretical, ethical or any other support to HAP and apply for membership in a declaration for application. Admission of patron members is decided by the Directorial Board. Honorary, corresponging, and patron members have the right to attend HAP programs with a discussion right in the general meeting. Membership is suspended in case of failure to pay the membership fee on time.
Membership is terminated in case of:
- leaving
- death
- exclusion
- termination of HAP