Volume 4, Issue 4, December, 2002

Volume 4, Issue 4, December, 2002 Editoral in Hungarian Gábor Faludi Szuicudum major affektív pszichózisban Kitty Kis, Zoltán Rihmer Nemi különbségek az illegális droghasználatban, illetve a szerek okozta mellékhatásokban magyarországi szórakozóhelyeken készült...

Volume 4, Issue 3, October, 2002

Volume 4, Issue 3, October, 2002 Editoral in Hungarian Péter Gaszner Regulation of Serotonin Release from the Raphe nucleid by Different 5 TH Receptor Laszlo G. Harsing, Jr. and Zsolt Juranyi New "atypical" Antypsychotic Compound with Anxiolitic Properties Csilla...

Volume 4, Issue 2, June 2002

Volume 4, Issue 2, June 2002 Editoral in Hungarian Bánki M. Csaba Epilepsy and Depression Péter Rajna, Brigitta Baran, Éva Csibri, Márta Farkas and  Judit Veres Effectivity and acceptability of Tianeptine in the Treatment of Elderly Depression Zoltán Pető The Enhancer...

Volume 4, Issue 1, March 2002

Volume 4, Issue 1, March 2002 Editoral in Hungarian Péter Gaszner Creativity and Mental Illness Annamária Rihmer, Zoltán Rihmer Cost Effectiveness of Mirtazapine Compared to Fluoxetine in the Treatment of Moderate and Severe Depression in Hungary Gábor Faludi,...